No Men Are Foreign | Class 9 | NCERT English Beehive | Textual & Extra Questions and Answers | 2020

No Men Are Foreign | Class 9 | NCERT English Beehive | Textual & Extra Questions and Answers | 2020

NCERT Solutions of the poem 

No Men Are Foreign:

1. (i) “Beneath all uniforms” What uniforms do you think the poet is speaking about?

Ans:  The meaning of the poet from the uniform is the various clothes that people wear in different parts of the world.

(ii) How does the poet suggest that all people on earth are the same?

Ans: The poet suggests that all people keep the same type of body. They breathe the same type of air. They sleep and wake up in the same way. They also eat in the same way.

2. In stanza 1, find five ways in which we are all alike. Pick out the words.       

Ans: The five ways in stanza 1, we have the same type of body. We breathe in the same way. We live in the same world. We walk on the same land. And we shall all die on the same earth.        

3. How many common features can you find in stanza 2? Pick out the words.           

Ans: The common features are found in stanza 2 are the sun, the air, the water, the peaceful harvest, the same hands and labor.   

4. “whenever we are told to hate our brothers” When do you think this happens? Why? Who ‘tells’ us? Should we do as we are told at such times? What does the poet say?

Ans: This happens when we consider ourselves different from others. Such people who are fundamentalists, tell us to hate others. We should not pay attention to such people. The poet says that when we hate other people, we lose their love. We can give others as much as we can with our love.


No Men Are Foreign Extra Questions and



1. Name the poet of the poem “No Men Are Foreign”?’’

Ans: James Kirkup is the poet of the poem ‘’No men are Foreign.’’

2. How does the poet show that no men are strange or foreign?

Ans: The poet says that all people have the same type of body. They breathe in the same way. They have the same type of hand. Their eyes sleep and awake in the same way. Therefore, no men are strange or foreign.

3. How does the poet show that no countries are strange or foreign?

Ans: The poet says that everywhere it is the same earth that we walk on. It is the same sun, air and water that we enjoy. There are the same types of people everywhere who work hard in the same way. Therefore, no countries are strange or foreign.

4. What do you mean by ‘peaceful harvests’?

Ans: It means crops that can be grown during the time of peace.

5. What does the poet say about hating others?

Ans: The poet says that when we hate others, we lose their love. We hate ourselves only by hating others because all the others are our brothers. Therefore, we should never hate others.

6. What does the poet want to say?

Ans: The poet wants to say that all people are of the same and there is no difference among the people of different countries.

7. What message does the poet want to convey through the poem?

Ans: Through the poem, the poet wants to say that there should be no discrimination on the basis of the country or nation. The poet says to discourage such unpleasant words and love their companions with all their hearts.

8. Why does the poet say that there are no foreign countries?

Ans: The poet has said so through the activities of nature. Everyone is a sharer of the sun, air, water and the earth. It does not discriminate against anyone. This is why there is no difference between native and foreign countries.

9. What should we remember?

Ans: We should keep in mind that no men are foreign and no countries are strange. The whole earth is like a family.

10. According to the poet, what will happen if we take up arms against each other?

Ans: If we take up arms against each other, we shall defile this earth of ours.

11. What do you mean by ‘hells of fire and dust’?

Ans: It means the wars that cause a lot of ruin and carnage.

12. Which body part has been mentioned in the poem no men are foreign?

Ans: Hands and eyes body parts have been mentioned in the poem no men are foreign.

13. What is common in the lifestyle of men who live elsewhere on Earth?

Ans: All men have the same kind of body. They breathe the same air. They sleep and wake up in the same way. They also eat in the same way.

They walk on the same earth. They live on the same earth and they shall all in the in mixed with the same land or dust.

They all enjoy the same sun, air and water. They all have harvests to feed ourselves there is peace. They all have to strive when there is war. They all have the same kind of hands. And They all have to labour in their lives.

No Men Are Foreign | Theme | Summary | Analysis


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