Theme Summary and Analysis of the poem No Men Are Foreign by James Kirkup-2020

Dear guys, today, we will know about the theme summary and analysis of the poem No Men Are Foreign. In this poem, the poet has given a message of love and brotherhood. So, let's know.
Theme Summary and Analysis of the poem No Men Are Foreign by James Kirkup-2020

Introduction to the poem No Men Are Foreign:


The poem ‘No Men Are Foreign’ (1966) has been written by James Kirkup (1918-2009). It is an anti-war poem that teaches the primal unity of mankind and the foolishness of going to war. The poet has given the message of love and brotherhood through this poem. According to the poet no men are foreign and no countries are strange. We are all same.

No Men Are Foreign | Theme

There is a very great thought in this poem. It advocates the unity of humanity. No man beings are different and no country is foreign. Everybody lives on the same earth and breathes in the same air. If we hate others, it will be like hating ourselves because there are no differences between us and others. Love is the best weapon to win over others. By taking up arms against each other, we pollute the human earth itself. Therefore, we should always keep in mind that no man beings are foreigners and no countries are to be strange.

No Men Are Foreign | Summary

Through the poem, the poet says that no men are strange and no countries are foreign. All human beings are the same under different uniforms. We all walk on the same earth and after death; all people lie under the same earth. All human beings breathe in a similar way.

All people enjoy the same sun, air and water. All people have similar hands and the labor done by all is also similar.

All people's eyes are like ours that wake and sleep. We have the same kind of strength that can be won by love. Everywhere, the same kind of life is lived which can be understood and recognized easily.

So, the poet says that we betray humanity when we hate each other at the behest of some people, take up arms against each other.

When we drop bombs on one another, the fire and dust violate the purity of the air that belongs to all of us. Therefore the poet says that we should remember that no men are foreign and no countries are strange.

No Men Are Foreign | Analysis

The poet says that no men are strange and no countries are foreign. The inner reality below the differences of external appearance is the same everywhere. Under different types of dresses, all men have the same type of body. Everybody's body breathes the same way our body breathes. All men walk on the same earth and after death, sleep under the same earth.

Everywhere there is the same sun, wind and water that people enjoy. Everywhere people get food from crops that are grown during the time of peace. And everywhere they have to die of hunger when there are long centuries of war.

Everywhere men have the same type of hand and they do the same type of hard work. They have the same type of eyes that wake up and sleep. They have the same type of strength that can be won with love. The same type of life is lived everywhere, which is easily understood and can be identified.

That is why the poet says that we should not pay any more attention to those who tell us to hate others. We should remember that by hating others, we are only robbing ourselves, cheating and saying good and evil.

We only make this earth dirty and unholy by taking up arms against other men, which are common to all of us. The fire and destruction of war contaminate the air in which we breathe. That is why poets tell us to remember that no men are strange and no countries are foreign.

After knowing the theme summary and analysis of the poem 'No Men Are Foreign', we learn through this poem that we should never hate others. Because by hating others we lose their love. We should always remember that no men are foreign and no countries are strange. We are all the same.

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