The Theme Summary and Analysis of the poem The Road Not Taken-2020

Dear guys, today, we will know the theme, summary and analysis of the poem The Road Not Taken, written by the great poet Robert Frost. In this poem, the poet tells us the importance of creating choices in life. He tries to elucidate this truth with the assistance of quite common examples in our day-to-day life. So, let's know.

The Theme Summary and Analysis of the poem The Road Not Taken-2020

Theme: The theme of the poem The Road Not Taken is that in this poem the poet Robert Frost tells us the importance of making choices in life. He tries to explain this truth with the help of very common examples in our day to day life. Once the poet had to choose between two roads. He chose the one that was less travelled by. And that, he says, has made all the difference. The sense that the poet says is that the choice that a person chooses in his life is permanently chosen. A person cannot choose his goal again. Therefore it is necessary that a person takes great care to make important decisions in his life.

Summary: The summary of the poem The Road Not Taken is that one day while the poet Robert Frost was passing through a forest; he reached at a point from where the road divided in two directions. He was in a fix and found it difficult to choose one out of them. He could not travel through both of them, so he had a look at both of them. That morning both of the roads were equally fresh no other traveller had gone through them. Then he decided to take the less frequently used road. He knew that this choice would make a significant difference in the end. And in one day he would be telling after ages with a sigh his choice had made all the differences. Still, he left the other road for some other day, knowing that he would never be able to come there again to adopt the other path. He also knew that choices are irrecoverable and once made, they cannot be changed in life.

At last, let's know the analysis of the poem The Road Not Taken
Analysis: It was the autumn season. The poet Robert Frost was going through in a yellow wood. He reached a point from the road diverged in two different directions. Having only one traveller, he could not travel on both roads at the same time. He had to choose one of them. He stood there and kept thinking for a long time. He looked one of them up the street as far as he could see. He could see this road to the point where it bent from behind the bushes.
The poet decided to go to another road. This road was as beautiful as the first road. Grass was grown on it. This showed that the road was not much used. He thought that a more concrete reason for him to travel on this road was made. Yet in reality, both of those roads were of almost equal use.
That morning, both roads were covered with leaves. No traveller had passed yet. None of them had any signs of walking on their feet. The poet decided to go through the second road and kept the first road for another day. But he knew that there was very little chance of him coming back because every road leads to a new road.
The poet imagines times after several ages. He says that he will then recall in his mind how he had chosen one of the two roads which would divide in two directions in a forest. He will remember how he had decided to go on a less used road. Then he would see how this decision made a huge difference. In other words, it affected the poet's life not only on earth but also his spiritual life after death.

After knowing the theme, summary and analysis of the poem The Road Not Taken, we come to know that the poet brings out the importance of making a right choice. The right choice can make one's future. The wrong choice can spoil it. The choice once made is rarely reversed later.

The Road Not Taken | Questions and Answers | Class 9 | NCERT English Beehive


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