The Road Not Taken | Questions and Answers | Class 9 | NCERT English Beehive

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The Road Not Taken Questions & Answers

Q.1. Where does the traveller find himself? What problem does he face?
Ans: The traveller finds himself at a place where the road diverged in two different directions. His problem is to decide which road he should take.
Q.2. Discuss what these phrases mean to you -
       (i) a yellow wood
       (ii) it was grassy and wanted wear
       (iii) the passing there
       (iv) leaves no step had trodden black
       (v) how way leads on to way
Ans: (i) A yellow wood means forest in the autumn season.
         (ii) It means that the road had grass because it was a less travelled road, it wanted
             traveller to move on it.
        (iii) It means walking on the road.
        (iv) It means that the leaves had not been crushed under the feet of traveller.
        (v) It means how one road leads to another road.
Q.3. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describe them.
       (i) in stanzas two and three
       (ii) in the last two lines of the poem
Ans: (i) In stanzas two and three, there is no difference between the two roads.
         (ii) In the last two lines of the poem, the poet says that he chooses the less travelled
Q.4. What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean? (Looking back, does the poet regret his choice or accept it.)
Ans: Through the last two lines of the poem the poet expresses his opinion that it becomes difficult for a moral to change the decision. The poet intended to walk on the first road but he could not do so because life does not offer multiple chances to choose the career.
       The poet now repents for not getting a chance to travel on the first road.


Q.1. Who is the poet of the poem “The Road Not Taken”?
Ans: Robert Frost is the poet of the poem “The Road Not Taken”.
Q.2. What do you mean by “a yellow wood”?
Ans: See Q.2.(i)
Q.3. What do you mean by “grassy and wanted wear”?
Ans: See Q.2.(ii)
Q.4. Where did the poet/traveller stand?
Ans: The poet/traveller stood at a point where the road diverged in two different directions in a yellow wood.
Q.5. Why did the poet/traveller stand there for long?
Ans: The poet/traveller found himself at a place where the road diverged in two different directions. He was thinking about which road he should take. So, he stood there for long.
Q.6. What was the poet sorry about?
Ans: The poet was sorry that he could not travel both the roads at the same time.
Q.7. How many roads diverged in a yellow wood?
Ans: There are two roads diverged in a yellow wood.
Q.8. How many roads were before the poet?
Ans: There were two roads before the poet.
Q.9. How far could the poet/traveller look down/see?
Ans: The poet/traveller could look down/see to the point where the road bent in the undergrowth.
Q.10. Which of the two roads did the poet take/choose?
          Which road did the poet/traveller take/choose?
Ans: The poet/traveller took another road which was less travelled by.
Q.11. Which road, according to the poet, had a better claim?
Ans: The other road which was overgrown with grass and less travelled by, according to the poet, had a better claim.
Q.12. Why did the poet take another road?
Ans: The poet took the other road because it was better than the first one and was overgrown with grass and had not been used.
Q.13. What was the poet’s opinion about both the roads?
Ans: According to the poet, both the roads were the same. There was no difference between them.
Q.14. How were both the roads that morning?
      What were both the roads covered with that morning?
Ans: That morning both the roads were covered with leaves.
Q.15. Why had both the roads not been trodden black that morning?
Ans: That morning both the roads were covered with leaves. No one had gone by them so far. So, the leaves lying on them had not been trodden black.
Q.16. What do the roads represent in the poem?
Ans: In the poem, the roads represent the problem of decision-making. Human beings suffer because of their choice and decisions.
Q.17. Why did the poet/traveller keep the first road for the other day?
Ans: The poet/traveller was travelling alone. He could not go by both the roads at the same time. So, he kept the first road for the other day.
Q.18. What did the poet/traveller doubt?
Ans: The poet/traveller doubted if he would ever come back.
Q.19. What was the poet’s doubt?
Ans: The poet’s doubt was that if he would ever come back.
Q.20. What made all the difference?
Ans: The poet’s decision made all the difference.
Q.21. What will the poet be telling with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence?
Ans: The poet will be telling with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence that how he had chosen one of the two roads which diverged in a forest. He will recall how he had decided to travel by the less-frequented road. He will then see that choice had made all the difference.

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